A crew of landscaping workers extinguished what is believed to be an intentionally-set brush fire near an apartment building in Canyon Country, Calif. and prevented its spread through a dry canyon.
According to a July 14 Santa Clarita Valley Signal article, the quick-thinking workers were from the Castaic-based Valley Crest Landscaping Company.
“They saved the day,” said Los Angeles County Fire Department Capt. Chris Arvizu of the landscapers. “They saved that fire from spreading into the canyon and creating a larger brush fire.”
The landscapers, who work in an industry that employs about 888,420 people in the U.S. alone, were able to respond to the fire before firefighters could arrive, which helped prevent the brush fire from spreading to a much larger area, the Santa Clarita Valley Signal reported.
“There was a landscaping crew in the area,” Capt. Arvizu said. “And they happened to see that fire. So they got their sprinkler and picked up the open end of a one-inch pipe and put it out.”
According to a second Fire Department official, the fire only burned about 50 square feet of land as a result of the landscapers’ quick thinking.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating the suspected arson, after a Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputy reported seeing a suspect running from the area of the fire.
Santa Clarita Valley Brush Fire Extinguished by Landscaping Crew