Former CNN Producer Sues for Age and Race Discrimination, Wrongful Termination
A fired CNN producer is suing his former employer for wrongful termination on the grounds of age and race discrimination. Stanley Wilson, 51, is African- and Latino-American. He was terminated in January when three sentences of a story he wrote apparently were very similar to another outlet’s copy. The copy editor who reviewed the story…
Two Unrelated Police Shootings in New York City Currently Under Investigation
Two unrelated police shootings that took place Monday night in Brooklyn and the Bronx are being investigated by authorities. These incidents come at a time when citizens across the country are questioning the actions of police officers, especially when they result in citizen deaths. According to the New York Times, the first shooting occurred in…
Companies Placing Illegal Donation Bins Around New York City Area
Not all clothing donation bins are created with good intentions. According to a July 9 Bustle article, many New Jersey-based companies have begun to place illegal clothing donation bins on sidewalks throughout the New York City area. Rather than giving the donated clothes within to charities or the truly underprivileged, the companies sell these…
Police at scene of the crime
Police at scene of the crime